Hello all,

      I’m back from my much-needed hiatus and feeling refreshedThe last few months have been some of the hardest of my life and I’m finally at a point where I’m coming to terms with the punches that life has been throwing at me.

   After what seemed like an eternal winter, I’m happy that summer has finally arrived in NYC! But before delving into that, this blog post will be all about my favorite season, spring! To me, spring signifies new beginnings, new life and a new wardrobe (haha). Between dealing with a major familial loss, starting a new job and coming to the realization that I’m actually an adult, this spring was one for the books (not the kind of book that you want to keep reading but the kind you want to lock, throw away the key and then burn).

But despite all of the hardships, I have learned some unforgettable lessons.

  1.  Never take your family/ relationships for granted.
  2.  Live everyday like it’s your last.
  3.  Do what makes you happy.
  4.  Don’t ever hesitate to take time for               yourself
  5.  Heal at your own pace.

With that being said, I’m ready to take on life!

   Photography has always been very therapeutic to me and it’s one of the things I enjoy doing most. It shows me that no matter what twists and turns life has, there is still beauty around. Below are some photos I took in Central Park on a beautiful spring day. I spent that day with my family and it is a memory I will always hang on to.

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